Course Overview:
Testing provides critical information about geosynthetic materials, which is essential for safe and efficient design in civil engineering projects. Understanding the importance of conducting these tests with consideration of the surrounding environmental influences is crucial for developing reliable and effective geosynthetic solutions.
Our GRID (Geosynthetic Research, Innovation & Development) laboratory is a specialised facility that assists clients in identifying the most suitable geosynthetic solutions for their requirements. Through performance-based testing, the laboratory incorporates site specific conditions to rigorously challenge geosynthetic materials, ensuring they meet the highest performance standards. With more than 50 ASTM and ISO standardised test methods accredited by GAI-LAP, the laboratory stands at the forefront of geosynthetic research and product innovation.
In this webinar, Geofabrics’ Technical and R&D Lab Manager, Bowei Yu, will introduce the testing capabilities of our GRID Laboratory and discuss the importance of testing geosynthetic materials in consideration of environmental influences. Brief illustrations of typical basic index geosynthetic tests, performance and specialised tests will be shown, as well as research and development-oriented and site experiments conducted by our laboratory.
Dr Bowei Yu holds a PhD, BEng, and MEng in Geotechnical Engineering and is the Technical and R&D Lab Manager at Geofabrics. Since February 2022, he has also served as a NATA technical assessor specialising in soil and rock laboratory testing.
Bowei has a strong academic track record, with research covering various areas, including soil mechanics testing focused on unsaturated soil characteristics and environmental influences, as well as the mechanical and hydraulic performance of bentonite clay and related geosynthetic materials.
Since entering the industry, he has been recognised for his expertise in advanced soil and rock mechanics laboratory testing and analysis, unsaturated soil mechanics theory and testing technology, and the testing and design of geosynthetic materials used in geoenvironmental engineering.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the critical role of geosynthetic testing in achieving safe and efficient designs for civil engineering projects
- Recognise that the index data provided on product technical data sheets may not accurately reflect actual performance under specific site conditions
- Discover opportunities for collaboration with the GRID laboratory on innovative research and development projects