Coastal erosion is a significant problem in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific with rising sea levels, extreme storms and climate change having a significant impact on shorelines. Geofabrics coastal solutions are designed to reduce the effects of coastal and estuarine erosion whilst maintaining safety and amenity for the community.
Geofabrics offers flexible armour solutions that also provide robustness and adaptability and can be used in coastal, river and other dynamic applications where environmental impact must be minimised.
Seawalls and revetments are forever changing as a result of wave action, tides and in some instances tectonic environments. This dynamic environment is also under pressure from land development which in turn is threatened during storm events.
The durability, permeability, stability and flexibility of Elcorock sand containers provide an excellent solution for construction of shoreline embankments.
Protection of shoreline embankments can also be achieved with the Geoweb system using infill materials appropriate for the application.
How Geofabrics can help with coastal protection and remediation:
- Reduce the effects of coastal and estuarine erosion
- Maintain safety and amenity, while maintaining sustainable coastlines for residents and the community
- Reinforcing seawalls, revetments, groins and breakwaters
- Temporary and emergency coastal erosion works and shoreline embankments
- Promote revegetation of mangroves, marshes and seagrasses
- Support coastal dune restoration and revegetation