Designing Drainage in Pavements with Megaflo Green
Course overview:
Efficient drainage is a key issue in every geotechnical design, particularly in road construction, where water management is considered to be critical. This webinar will focus on understanding the impact of water on pavement performance and how pavement failure is addressed in subsurface pavement drainage designs, according to the Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology (Part 10).
Megaflo Green panel drainage system is considered in the design, which offers improved drainage response times, high flow infiltration, efficient filtration and economical installation over traditional drainage pipe systems.
Gordon Stevens is Technical Manager for Geofabrics New Zealand. He holds a 4 year Higher National Diploma in Civil Engineering and has been involved in the design and use of geosynthetics into infrastructure projects throughout New Zealand, the Pacific and Papua New Guinea for over 30 years. A member of the International Geosynthetic Society, Gordon’s area of expertise includes reinforced soil and retaining wall design where he has delivered numerous training courses and technical papers.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understanding the importance of efficient drainage in pavements
- Learning how to design pavement drainage systems to Austroads Pavement Technology Guidelines
- Exploring the properties of pavement material that influence the design
- Understanding why filter compatibility is important for performance